The Original Shower Purifier for Hair & Skin Health
Filtered Beauty is a Shower Purifier that will improve your hair, skin and health by helping to remove toxins and chemicals which are present in the hard water that comes out of your shower. These toxins and chemicals include chlorine, fluoride, magnesium, calcium, aluminium, pesticides and more! Hard water has long been linked to skin irritation and poor hair health, not to mention premature ageing. We are passionate about educating everyone on the affects hard water has on our hair and skin and that's why we preach that healthy hair and skin starts with the water you're using, not the products! We believe in the power of a chemical free shower experience so our aim is to improve your beauty routine by eliminating up to 95%+ of the hidden nasties from your shower water, so that you have the purest start to your skin and hair care routines.
Filtered Beauty™ Water has been shown to help boost collagen production, reduce UV damage and act as an antioxidant in skin cells helping to aid reverse skin aging.
How hard water is harming your skin
Filtered Beauty™ Water is free of chlorine, magnesium and calcium making it ideal for optimum hair health
Why you should invest in a shower purifier for your hair